Various home accessories
On this page you will find various home accessories from, among others, Eichholtz, Richmond and Haans.
Many of our accessories are divided into subcategories in our webshop, but there many nice and beautiful accessories that do not necessarily belong to these categories.
We have now added a new brand to our collection: the beautiful animal skins from Dyreskinn, wonderfully soft and the perfect decoration on your couch or armchair. These skins suit every household due to the large variety of possibilities of different colors and animals. You can also find beautiful vases or umbrella stands here in different styles and materials.
Raaf is another new brand that has been added to our collection. They have high-quality pillows and covers with beautiful designs. On this page you will find the plaids by Raaf to stay nice and warm during cold days or just nice to put on couch or bed for style and comfort. Raaf is very important to our stylists and definitely recommended to brighten up your home.
Looking for that one accessory, but no idea where you can find it? There’s a good chance it’s here.
Are you curious about the way our accessories fit certain styles, or are you looking for inspiration?
Come visit us at our furniture store in Elst (between Arnhem and Nijmegen, the Netherlands) for a nice cup of coffee or tea!
We deliver to all of Europe and many other countries. Please be sure to check your shipping rates at the checkout and take into account that shipping outside of the Netherlands may take a little longer than portrayed due to transportation planning.